Dom zu Lübeck: Restoration of the Twin Tower Structure

Several wars, craftsmanship errors in its construction history, and weather influences have left noticeable marks on the over 750-year-old cathedral. The outer shell is crumbling dangerously, tower anchors are corroded and at risk of falling out, weakening the tower's stability. 

A building survey conducted in 2018 on the two 114-meter-high twin towers revealed: 

Deep cracks with an overall length of around 1,500 meters and fine hairline cracks of a total length of around 800 meters. Bricks repeatedly fall out of the masonry, making it necessary to secure the towers with scaffolding, nets, and fences. Extensive preliminary investigations have shown that urgent action is required.


A three-year investigation has revealed the damage to the building. A considerable part of the estimated total costs has already been raised through approved funds from the federal government, various foundations, and the Lübeck-Lauenburg church district. However, a funding gap remains for the diverse planned measures. The measures include:

  • Replacement of about 138,000 bricks in the masonry
  • Securing and repairing the anchor systems
  • Securing the adjacent vaults
  • Securing the tower helmet covering
  • Repairing the lightning protection and rainwater drainage

Planned Construction Phases - Project Part A (South Tower)

Construction PhaseContentPlanned Duration Costs

Implementation Phase 1

■ Setup of the construction site 

■ South Tower, South Wall 

■ Southwest Wall Corner

About 1.5 years € 3.710.375 

Implementation Phase 2

■ South Tower, East Wall

■ Southeast Wall Corner 

■ Vault between the towers and 1st bay

About 1 year € 3.108.875

Implementation Phase 3

■ South Tower, West Wall

■ South Tower, Northwest Wall Corner

About 1 year€ 3.044.875

Implementation Phase 4

■ South Tower, North Wall

■ South Tower, Northeast Wall Corner

■ West Gable Wall between the towers

About 1.5 years € 3.226.875 
Gesamt About 5 years € 13.091.000 

Facts & Stats


2024 bis 2033

Estimated Costs

€23 million

Funding Gap

€1.31 million

© Dom zu Lübeck